At such a time as this, the Foundation is actively stewarding your gifts

Every year, we are inspired by the incredible generosity of United Church people. Through investments, granting, and giving opportunities, we are proud stewards of these meaningful gifts.

$100 Million

At the end of December, the Foundation hit a milestone of $100 million managed funds! This achievement is testament to the generosity in the church and – most importantly – the real impact your gifts will have through the Foundation’s granting and investing.

2023 Assets Managed


Externally-Restricted Funds

Endowed Capital

Internally-Restricted Funds

Gift Funds

General Operating Funds

2023 Expenditures


Grants (from short & long-term funds)

Management & Administration

Charitable Activities

Fundraising Expenses

At such a time as this, we are committed to investing with intention and impact

As part of our Strategic Plan, the Foundation is working towards having 50% of our investments into Impact Investments by 2027. Impact Investments are investments into stocks and options that address urgent challenges and align with social and environmental justice. These investments have more than just a financial return: impact investing offers the Foundation another way to interpret investment “success”.

Video: SETSI

Read more about our commitment to Impact Investing:

At such a time as this, we are committed to supporting innovative and important ministries, initiatives, and causes

As a main vehicle for outreach and action, granting remains one of our highest priorities. In 2023, we are thrilled to announce that granting crossed more than $10 million for the first time in the Foundation’s history. Almost half of that (45%) was granted to congregations across Canada to support their vital works and ministries.

Aligned with our strategic pillars, as well as the specific wishes of our donors, the Seeds of Hope and other granting programs awarded more than $1 million in 2023.

2023 Granting



GCO & Regional Councils

Community Ministries & Ecumenical Partners$1,758,317

Theological Schools & Retreat Centres



Supporting scholars

In support of 2018 McGeachy Scholar the Rev. Janet Gear, the Foundation launched the Navigating Landscapes of Faith: Diving Deep with Rev. Janet Gear initiative. Participants were invited to better understand their own faith and that of their church community through a multi-week book study, culminating in a live webinar event with Janet.

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As part of the initiative, we distributed several copies of Rev. Gear’s book Undivided Love through a giveaway, and one community of faith received the full video series of Rev. Gear’s book The Theological Banquet. We also hosted a free in-person event, hosted by the Very Rev. Gary Paterson at Oakridge United Church (Vancouver, BC), discussing Rev. Gear’s works and scholarship. The event was attended by dozens of curious theologians as well as streamed across the internet for those unable to attend.

The Foundation – through the McGeachy Scholarship, the Rowntree Scholarship, and other programs – is proud to support current and future theological scholarship in Canada.

Seeking greater collaboration with grantees

As a new approach to our granting process, the Foundation has begun integrating Trust-Based Granting strategies into our Seeds of Hope grants. Traditional granting methods place the majority of power with the granters, leading to an inherently unbalanced relationship. Instead, Trust-Based Granting invites collaboration and community with our grantees.

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In practice, Trust-Based Granting seeks to eliminate barriers during the application process, to make the grants more accessible. In particular, this approach benefits marginalized organizations whose work is important but whose metrics may not match those demanded by a traditional model.

“The traditional granting model is rooted in colonialistic practices that can inadvertently reinforce systems of oppression and power,” says Erik Lo Forte, Foundation Lead. “We’re taking a more deliberate approach to collaboration that involves both listening to the grantee’s needs, and recognizing that they are the experts in what they’re trying to do.”

For more information on this Trust-Based Approach, please click here to read our announcement:

At such a time as this, we are empowering the generosity of thousands of donors

The Foundation could not be as effective or impactful without the incredible support of our donors, both individuals and organizations. United, we are creating astounding impact across Canada and around the world. Thank you!

A twist on Giving Tuesday

In late Summer 2023, we were sad to learn of the passing of a long-time Foundation supporter, Dr. Margot Roach of Tatamagouche, NS. However, inspired by Dr. Roach’s faithful generosity (she set up several United Church charitable annuities to benefit the ministries she valued) a portion of her legacy gift for the Foundation was put to creative use we hope she’d be proud of.

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To celebrate Giving Tuesday a bit differently, the Foundation embarked on a short (24 hours) but productive and meaningful “reverse” campaign. We gave folks the opportunity to designate $25, no strings attached, to any of the Foundation’s 9 Mission Focus Funds. All they needed to do was choose the fund and that was it, the Foundation would add $25 in their name, via Dr. Roach’s annuity gift. We also offered that if donors made an additional gift of their own, we’d match that as well, up to $25 (effectively turning their $25 gift into $75 to support ministry in the area of their choosing).

We launched on the morning of Giving Tuesday, explaining our fun twist and included our gratitude to Dr. Roach for making this initiative possible.

The campaign was a great success! 249 made designations in the 24-hour giving period, and 35% of them made gifts of their own. Overall, more than $10,000 was added to the nine Mission Focus Funds in a single day. We learned a lot about our supporters, deepening existing relationships and sparking new ones. We also received many heartwarming messages during the campaign. Here’s what we heard:

I am pleased to give, as Margot Roach was a good friend, here in Tatamagouche.

Just a quick note to say I was impressed and thrilled by the “Reverse” Giving Tuesday idea! Brilliant!

Dr. Margot Roach was a long time friend. I’m so grateful that her legacy of giving to the United Church is continuing in this wonderful way! I will dedicate in memory of a mutual friend of Margot’s and mine, Betty.   

Just a quick note to say that I LOVE the Foundation’s Giving Tuesday drive this year! It was so easy and fun!! Great job to you and the whole team.

Photo: Family of Dr. Margot Roach

Joining to change present and future

At Thanksgiving, we gave thanks for a church that is humble and willing to change. The United Church of Canada has committed to becoming an anti-racist church and in step, the United Church of Canada Foundation has committed to becoming an anti-racist organization. In a landmark campaign, we came together with the United Church of Canada in support of Mission and Service anti-racism work. The campaign invited gifts to support the current works of Mission and Service, as well as supporting future programs through the Mission and Service Endowment Fund at the Foundation, helping us work towards these commitments now and into the future.

Click here to make a contribution to the Mission and Service Endowment Fund:

1 866 340-8223 •
3250 Bloor Street West, Suite 200
Toronto, Ontario M8X 2Y4

The United Church of Canada Foundation provides service and support to all courts of the Church and United Church-related institutions and organizations.

The Foundation facilitates gifts of stocks, mutual funds, etc., provides grants for innovative and unique programs and projects run by United Church-related organizations, and facilitates the longterm support of all courts of the Church and their mission and service.