2020 Annual Report

“Anything is possible if a person believes,” Jesus said. MARK 9:23
And again, in one of the most widely known Scriptures, Jesus challenged his followers by saying, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

In a year unlike any other, in this United Church of ours, we bear witness to a faith that is strong and getting stronger.
From coast to coast to coast, people in The United Church of Canada put their faith into action in 2020 as never before and this report provides proof that United, we are a church of infinite possibility!

$8,674,622 in total grants made in 2020

$3,148,414 in grants to congregations

$81,680,750 in total assets at year-end

Over 500 endowed and restricted funds
$3 million grant made
for COVID-19 relief
Responding to urgent and overwhelming needs, in April, 2020, we awarded The United Church of Canada with a grant of $3,000,000 in order to support communities of faith during the COVID-19 pandemic. This grant – $1,500,000 of which was released in 2020 – helped form the emergency loan program that the Church put in place to help communities of faith meet their financial obligations during the difficult early days of the pandemic. This grant was made possible because of the generosity of many United Church members
from across the country who made gifts in their Will.
In making these thoughtful planned gifts, cherished people who have gone before us have helped ensure the future work of the Church they loved.
Learn more: www.united-church.ca/covid-19

In 2020, we received over 300 program and scholar grant applications.
Of these, 144 were approved.
The combined total of these grants was

In 2020, we received over 300 program and scholar grant applications.
Of these, 144 were approved.
The combined total of these grants was
Thanks to your incredible generosity,
total grants made in 2020 totalled
Thanks to your incredible generosity,
total grants made in 2020 totalled
Support for Communities of Faith
Of our grants, $2,871,442 came from short-term funds.
Most of these funds were designated to congregations,
Church-related organizations, and other registered charities.

The not so fine print
The Foundation’s assets are managed by Fiera Capital. In 2020, our investments were 100% compliant with the Foundation’s and United Church’s Socially Responsible Investment Policies.
As a service to communities of faith, our Foundation has two affiliate investment managers that offer services to congregations and Church organizations looking for assistance with their long-term fund management.
The first, Frontier Capital Funds Inc., manages more than 180 accounts that have been established by over 132 communities of faith.
The second, Genus Capital Management, is a leading provider of low carbon and socially responsible investment solutions.
Any United Church member or organization wishing to invest at least $250,000 can access The United Church Sustainable Portfolio Program in order to create sustainable portfolio options that bring your values and your investments into alignment.
For more information on resources to assist you with the management of long-term funds, please contact the Foundation at 1 866 340-8223 or [email protected], or visit the Investment section on this website.
Total grants to our shared denominational work of $3,901,610 included the previously mentioned $1.5 million to congregations for COVID-19 relief and these:
for Mission & Service
to Church programs and funds
for overseas projects

for Mission & Service

to Church programs and funds

for overseas projects
Lambton Centre –
Building Relationships through
Seeds of Hope
Lambton Centre –
Building Relationships through
Seeds of Hope
Lambton Centre – a Seeds of Hope 2019 grant recipient – had their First Nations-focused program disrupted by the pandemic, but they managed to make a meaningful impact just the same. Hosting 30 youth and 11 Lambton Centre staff in one late-August 2020 event they established a relationship with Mike Beachey, a local advisor with Matachewan First Nation.
Nurturing and growing that relationship in the years to come will create real and meaningful programs. Because of the generosity of our donors, children will be better able to learn about and respectfully explore Indigenous cultures.
Chalmers Community Services –
An incredible force for good
in truly challenging times
Chalmers Community Services –
An incredible force for good
in truly challenging times
Even the best-laid plans may go awry, as the generous folks at Chalmers Community Services in Guelph, ON discovered last year. Chalmers received a Seeds of Hope grant in support of a social group gathering program called the Building Healthy Community Project, in partnership with Three Willows Church, a local congregation, and Immigrant Services.
Unfortunately, because of COVID-19, the original plan for gathering together in groups was not possible. Nevertheless, Chalmers used their grant money to make a positive impact in their community, pivoting their plans to provide healthy food for locals who were experiencing food insecurity. The program grew and grew, until it was eventually collecting and distributing 200 bags of nutritious food a week!
Multifaith Housing Initiative and the
Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council –
No Place like a New Home
Multifaith Housing Initiative and the
Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council –
No Place like a New Home
In 2020, the Multifaith Housing Initiative (MHI) and the Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council received a $50,000 grant from the Ina Grafton Gage Trust Fund to contribute to the construction of the first ever permanent and supportive housing community specifically for veterans in Canada.
Located in Ottawa, the new Veteran’s House consists of 40-units and provides veterans with stable housing as they recover from physical health, mental health, and addiction-related issues.
We can’t wait to hear more success stories from the Veteran’s House!

Camp Bimini –
Connecting with
Camp Bimini –
Connecting with
Loving and respecting Creation, Camp Bimini (a UCC camp located north of London, ON) recreated itself in 2020. Thanks to a grant from the Wesley C Smith Fund, they offered Bimini Connects, a virtual camp outreach program.
The 8-week online camp resulted in over 330 hours of watch time, including a family in Saskatchewan, whose mother had attended Camp Bimini as a child and was excited to share “her camp” with her children.
What an incredible connection!
“I cannot say thank you enough to Camp Bimini for adapting in order to bring camp to our home during these difficult times!”
– Kathy, a parent of two sons who participated Bimini Connects

Infinite possibilities are only possible with the infinite love of God which is held dear by our donors
The United Church of Canada Foundation provides a wide range of mission-focused and donor-created funds that enable donors to support the work that they hold precious.
Mission-focused funds support the Environment; Faith & Mission; Leadership; Living Spirit; Mission & Service; New Ministries; Peace & Justice; as well as Theological Education.
Donor-created funds support the work of the Church; support Indigenous Ministries and Justice; provide Scholarships; benefit specific age groups; and support the Diakonia of The United Church of Canada.
See for yourself the impact of your incredible generosity!
General Council Office and Regional Councils
Community Ministries &
Ecumenical Partners
Theological Schools
& Retreat Centres
Infinite possibilities are only possible with the infinite love of God which is held dear by our donors
The United Church of Canada Foundation provides a wide range of mission-focused and donor-created funds that enable donors to support the work that they hold precious.
Mission-focused funds support the Environment; Faith & Mission; Leadership; Living Spirit; Mission & Service; New Ministries; Peace & Justice; as well as Theological Education.
Donor-created funds support the work of the Church; support Indigenous Ministries and Justice; provide Scholarships; benefit specific age groups; and support the Diakonia of The United Church of Canada.
See for yourself the impact of your incredible generosity!
General Council Office and Regional Councils
Community Ministries &
Ecumenical Partners
Theological Schools
& Retreat Centres
Remembering Rev. Alan Craig
We want to take a moment to celebrate the life of one of the Foundation’s longstanding contributors who passed away in 2020 at the age of 92. Over the years, Rev. Alan Craig made numerous gifts to the Foundation, and he named the Foundation as a beneficiary of his United Church annuity. It will support our ministry and stewardship now and into the future.
Rev. Alan was a kind soul with a heart full of love, most of which he shared with his congregation and his wife, Grace. The Toronto Star captured one of their ‘willow walks’ in what we can only describe as a beautiful testament to marriage and a love of Creation.

Honouring mother, and Mother Earth
In 2020, Janet Stockton, Chair of the Foundation’s Board, arranged an ongoing monthly gift to the Environmental Fund to honour her mother. “Our mom was a born environmentalist, and in the 1950’s her activism was not always popular,” Janet says. “Mom stood her ground on cloth diapers, refused to use prepared packaged food or paper towels and purchased everything in cloth bags. She challenged us and her grandchildren to love and respect God’s earth,” Janet says. “I hope to continue her passion.”
We are so grateful to Janet for including the Environmental Fund in her regular giving. If Janet’s generosity and leadership on these critical issues inspires you, please click here.
Northern Spirit New Ministries Development Fund
The former Edmonton Presbytery Land Development Council provided leadership and support to innovative initiatives in its catchment area for many years. In concluding its work, the Council transferred its funds to the Northern Spirit Regional Council which, in 2020, established a long-term fund with The United Church of Canada Foundation in support of new ministry development.
The Northern Spirit New Ministries Development Fund began with a gift of nearly $770,000 with more money to follow in the years to come. We are thrilled that this Fund will bring God’s hope, peace, joy, and love to northeastern British Columbia, the Northwest Territories, and northern Alberta.
“We love this way of giving and we are so thankful that The United Church Foundation makes it so easy to do…. Thank you for this amazing way of making our donations go further. The donation of stock make it possible for us to increase our donation to the church each year.”
– Brian and Colleen Nelson, Ohaton, AB

An everlasting life of Mission & Service
Derril Gudlaugson and Craig Gudlaugson established a fund in loving memory of their parents, Fern and Oscar Gudlaugson of Beaverlodge, AB. Benefiting Mission & Service, the newly established fund will further the work of the Church for years to come.
Fern and Oscar Gudlaugson were devoted and active lifelong members of The United Church of Canada and were active stewards of land, church, and community up to the very end. At every United Church they joined, Fern and Oscar entered fully into the congregational life of both the local and wider church community, serving on numerous committees and boards. Oscar sang bass in the church choir. Fern was active the Women’s Auxiliary and lay worship and, for several decades, put her organizational shoulder to the wheel of Peace River Presbytery (now Northern Lights).
Having lived through the Great Depression and the Second World War, Fern and Oscar supported community, co-ops, world peace, and the ecumenical movement. In honouring their parents, Derril and Craig have ensured that their parents lives of mission and service is one of everlasting life. For that, we are all the beneficiaries of their wonderful legacy.
2020 Sources of
Donated Revenue

Designated short-term gifts
$3,302,528 • 56%

Undesignated gifts
$288,015 • 5%

Designated long-term gifts
$2,278,687 • 39%

Please note: Thanks to a return of 11.7%, our 2020 Investment Income was $8,223,132. This revenue is mostly re-invested into the funds each year.

2020 Expenditures

Grants (from short and long-term funds)
$7,414,507 • 89%

Charitable Activities
$267,476 • 3%

Management & Administration
$450,629 • 5%

Fundraising Expenses
$226,236 • 3%

Assets at Year-End
As of December 31, 2020, the Foundation’s assets were $5,915,174 greater than they had been at the same time a year earlier. The Foundation has assets in over 500 endowed and restricted funds.
Restricted Funds
Restricted Funds
Operating Funds
Restricted Funds
Restricted Funds
Operating Funds
Michael Blair, ON
Susan Brodrick, AB
Brenda Munro, NS
Royal Orr, QC
Gary Paterson, BC
Tim Reaburn, ON
Leigh Sinclair, AB
Evan ᓅᑎᓐ Smith, ON
Janet Stockton, ON
Paul Douglas Walfall, AB
Michael Blair, ON
Susan Brodrick, AB
Brenda Munro, NS
Royal Orr, QC
Gary Paterson, BC
Tim Reaburn, ON
Leigh Sinclair, AB
Evan ᓅᑎᓐ Smith, ON
Janet Stockton, ON
Paul Douglas Walfall, AB
Sarah Charters
Acting President
Erik Lo Forte
Grants Officer
Jessica Smith
Gifts Officer
Kate Porter
Foundation Assistant

Focusing on the Future Together
1 866 340-8223 • [email protected]
3250 Bloor Street West, Suite 200
Toronto, Ontario M8X 2Y4
The United Church of Canada Foundation provides service and support to all courts of the Church and United Church-related institutions and organizations.
The Foundation facilitates gifts of stocks, mutual funds, etc., provides grants for innovative and unique programs and projects run by United Church-related organizations, and facilitates the longterm support of all courts of the Church and their mission and service.

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