United, we act with great boldness

Since, then, we have such a hope, we act with great boldness.
(2 Corinthians 3:12)

Our Founders took a leap of faith 20 years ago, making a bold, hopeful statement with the first gifts to the newly-established United Church of Canada Foundation. They saw a strong and vibrant future for our United Church.

In 2022, we celebrated and gave thanks that 20 years later, we are living into their vision, connecting incredible generosity and faithful stewardship with more people, communities of faith and ministries than ever.

What do we believe God is calling us to do in the next 20 years?

Over the last year, our work continued to be guided by our organizational priorities:

Climate Justice
Communities of Faith
Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples

Joining with congregations, leaders, advocates, and generous donors we’re forging a new path for the road ahead, working towards a future that benefits everyone.

United, we act with the great boldness that this moment requires!

For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you.
(Jeremiah 29:11-12)

In 2022, the United Church of Canada Foundation awarded $7,426,592 to congregations, Regional Councils, Community Ministries, Theological Schools and Retreat Centres, in addition to other bold, innovative projects. These grants are possible thanks to the faithful generosity of United Church people. Thank you!

Our Seeds of Hope granting program helped bring over 70 innovative projects, programs and ministries to life last year, achieving the bold, hopeful visions of congregations and communities across the country.

United, we are supporting bold efforts to live in faith and justice!


74 Seeds of Hope Grant recipients

$548,715 awarded through Seeds of Hope

31 research grants and scholarship awards

In addition, we are proud to have granted the following amounts to Mission & Service, Church Programs and Funds, and Overseas Projects. United, we are supporting active ministries and projects around the world.

Mission & Service

Church Programs and Funds

Overseas Projects

Peachland United Church (Peachland, BC) received a grant from the Peace and Justice Fund to hold a Kairos Blanket Exercise, connecting members of their community with their local Indigenous history and justice endeavors. Tying into Peachland United’s larger efforts to engage in reconciliation with their Indigenous neighbours, the Blanket Exercise was one step towards understanding Canada’s Indigenous history and living into reconciliation.

The event was overwhelmingly successful, with participants thankful for the opportunity to learn parts of settler / Indigenous history that they had previously not been taught. More and more, initiatives like the Blanket Exercise are happening in communities of faith across Canada, as we begin to address the wrongs of both the past and present. This meaningful engagement with our history can create a better future for all of our communities, one that is rooted in mutuality, respect and equity.

“I live surrounded by indigenous people, yet I didn’t realize my ancestors were given their land to develop as their own.” – quote from Blanket Exercise participant

For over 50 years, Camp Cosmos (Montreal, QC) has gathered children from different cultural backgrounds together to learn, play, and practice harmony. But the realities of traditional camps mean that children with disabilities can feel excluded from parts of camp programing. Camp Cosmos’ Accessibility Program allows children with disabilities to experience the joy of camp in a safe and supported environment.

Thanks to a grant from the Wesley C. Smith Fund, Camp Cosmos was able to expand their Accessibility Program by training additional “Shadows” (staff who accompany children in the program). The program was a huge success and the funding from the Foundation helped Camp Cosmos make camp possible for even more children.

“[The children] taught me to be observant, to look out for the beauty in the environment, and to take joy in the little things. I truly learned so much from [them] and from being [a] shadow and I am so thankful for the time that I got to spend with [the children] this summer.” – testimony from a Camp Cosmos Shadow

In the heart of the University of Toronto, even patches of grass have the potential to create learning opportunities, support growth, and be transformed into gathering sites for alumni, students, and teachers.

Supported by grants from the Jean Moore Fund and the Environmental Fund, Emmanuel College is boldly transforming the space around its building into a productive and ecologically sustainable garden. Mindfully created in consultation with Indigenous groups, the garden will feature vegetables as well as wildflowers. Soon, students, faculty, staff, alumni, and members of the community will be able to gather and learn about Indigenous cultures and their relationship with the land, raising the visibility of Indigenous communities across campus.

St. Paul’s United Church (Grande Prairie, AB) is on the path to becoming Affirming  as they journey towards becoming the first Affirming community of faith north of Edmonton in Alberta.

The Foundation is proud to support their journey with a grant from the Peace and Justice Fund, which helped fund a series of events in 2022 fostering meaningful dialogue between the Gender Queer community of Grande Prairie and the congregation of St. Paul’s. St. Paul’s has convened panel discussions, an open house, book talks, and other community events helping connect the community of faith with LGBTIQ2S+ individuals to better understand their lived experiences and challenges, as well as the need for and importance of Affirming spaces in the Church.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.
(Romans 15:13)

The Foundation has long provided unique opportunities to support ministries reflecting the priorities of our time. Donors know aligning their generosity and bold vision for the future with the Foundation can create incredible impacts on the ministries and causes that matter to them.

Whether supporting the next generation of church leaders through theological education, pursuing climate justice across Canada and beyond, undertaking Anti-Racism initiatives, advocating for the rights of LGBTIQ2S+ people around the world, or ensuring that congregations will be able to replace their roof years from now, generosity is the engine behind the works of the Foundation.

United, our bold visions of the future are closer than ever!

In 2022, donors made $14,257,475 in gifts.

Each and every one of these gifts were made with a bold vision in mind.

$3,999,063 in Designated Short-Term Gifts

$10,143,642 in Designated Long-Term Gifts

$114,770 in Undesignated Gifts

As part of our twentieth anniversary celebrations, the Foundation shared stories of projects supported by the Living Spirit Fund, which supports communities of faith as they respond to new and changing ministry needs.

Inspired by these stories, a long-time supporter of the Foundation offered to match all anniversary gifts to the Living Spirit Fund to a total of $50,000. Talk about a bold gift! The campaign also helped to double our Friends of the Foundation – monthly donors to the Foundation. Thank you to everyone who has made the bold, hopeful commitment to become a Friend of the Foundation!

United, we can create dependable support year-round!

Monthly gifts are incredibly powerful. Dependable, predictable support helps our grant program grow, allows us to engage with donors in different ways, and boldly says that you believe deeply in the work of the Foundation.

When Hurricane Fiona caused devastating damage across Atlantic Canada and Eastern Quebec, the Foundation called for donations to the Ann Baker Estate Trust for Emergency Relief in Canada to support the rebuilding efforts. We partnered with MDS Canada – an organization with boots on the ground helping the area’s most vulnerable populations– and we were amazed by the outpouring of support.

The Foundation forwarded nearly $24,000 to MDS Canada, representing the determined, Spirit-filled generosity of United Church people and communities of faith coming together to support those in need. Yellowknife United Church – 6,000 km away from the sites impacted by Fiona – even held a Fiona Relief Concert, raising more than $5,000. Their bold efforts proved to be a beacon of hope in an uncertain time, a beacon that still shines today as we pray for those affected by Hurricane Fiona.

Dr. C. Douglas Jay was a long-time donor, using securities to give generously to the Foundation and many other United Church ministries through the Douglas and Ruth Jay Family Fund.

Dr. Jay passed away in late 2020 and, in his Will, he left an unrestricted bequest to the Foundation, which came to us in early 2022. An unrestricted gift does not specify use by a particular fund or ministry, trusting that it will be put to work where it is needed most. In life, Dr. Jay’s love and support for important causes and ministries was deep and varied, and now in legacy that love will continue as his gift will lift up so much good work.

United, we will help define your legacy!

In leaving a bequest to the Foundation, Dr. Jay ensured that his legacy would be defined by his faith, his generosity, and his belief in the importance of the work of the United Church of Canada. When you leave a gift to the Foundation in your will, you ensure that it will provide support for generations to come.

Salisbury United Church (Sherwood Park, AB) knew that they needed a sustainable way to support their ministries in the future, but also wanted a creative and meaningful way for their congregants to be connected to the process.

They started their new long-term fund, the Salisbury United Trust Fund with no “establishing gift”, but plenty of bold hope. Their plan is to actively and joyfully fundraise to reach the $15,000 needed to begin granting.

“We have started promoting the Fund as a way for congregation members to support their church in the longer term. Thanks again for working with us on this exciting new project!” – Salisbury United Church

We look forward to deepening our relationship with Salisbury United as their fund grows and begins to support their vibrant, hopeful, engaged ministry. We thank them for their trust and applaud their ingenuity.

In 2022, we were inspired and thankful for the bold gifts and generosity of spirit showcased by our incredible donors. We are blessed to be entrusted with your visions for the future of the causes, ministries, and communities that lie closest to your heart.

2022 Expenditures


Grants (Short and Long-Term Funds)
$7,426,592 • 86%

Charitable Activities
$304,456.70 • 3.5%

Management & Administration
$662,937.57 • 8%

Fundraising Expenses
$241,312.73 • 2.5%

2022 Grants


$3,938,720 • 47%

General Council Office & Regional Councils
$1,855,152.50 • 25%

United Church Camps
$41,193.71 • 0.5%

Community Ministries & Ecumenical Partners
$263,142.47 • 3.5%

Theological Schools & Retreat Centres
$170,663.29 • 2%

$1,604,233.84 • 22%

Data is unaudited at the time of publication.

Foundation Leadership

Board of Directors

The Rev. Tim Reaburn, ON – Board Chair
Jim Simpson, BC – Vice Chair
The Rev. Paul Douglas Walfall, AB – Secretary
Mary Royal Duczek, ON
Brenda Munro, NS
Royal Orr, QC
The Very Rev. Dr. Gary Paterson, BC
Ryan Baxter, ON
Lance Howard, NB
The Rev. Michael Blair, ON
Jackie Carter, ON

Foundation Staff

Sarah Charters

Erik Lo Forte
Foundation Lead

Karen Seunarine
Mission Advancement Lead

Jessica Smith
Foundation Communications & Campaign Associate

Jenna Yango Leonard
Foundation Coordinator

Kate Porter

Focusing on the Future Together

1 866 340-8223 • [email protected]
3250 Bloor Street West, Suite 200
Toronto, Ontario M8X 2Y4

The United Church of Canada Foundation provides service and support to all courts of the Church and United Church-related institutions and organizations.

The Foundation facilitates gifts of stocks, mutual funds, etc., provides grants for innovative and unique programs and projects run by United Church-related organizations, and facilitates the longterm support of all courts of the Church and their mission and service.


Focusing on the Future Together

1 866 340-8223 • [email protected]
3250 Bloor Street West, Suite 200
Toronto, Ontario M8X 2Y4

The United Church of Canada Foundation provides service and support to all courts of the Church and United Church-related institutions and organizations.

The Foundation facilitates gifts of stocks, mutual funds, etc., provides grants for innovative and unique programs and projects run by United Church-related organizations, and facilitates the longterm support of all courts of the Church and their mission and service.


About us

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[email protected]

+381 123 456 677

Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00

Sunday closed

United Church of Canada Foundation