Making a Bequest
Create a lasting legacy with a bequest
Including the Foundation in your will is a powerful, meaningful way for your legacy to contribute to the continuation and growth of the ministries of United Church of Canada closest to your heart. With the help of your lawyer, the United Church of Canada Foundation can ensure that your estate can help support the ministries you love most.
Connect with the Foundation
We are here to talk to you and help you decide how to make a meaningful contribution to the ministry and work you love. Call the Foundation office at 1-866-340-8223, or fill the form out below.
Why make a bequest to the United Church of Canada Foundation?
After first providing for your family and loved ones, please consider including the Foundation in your will. Doing so is a powerful, meaningful way for your legacy to contribute to the ministries of the United Church of Canada that are closest to your heart.
With the help of your lawyer, the Foundation will ensure that you are able to provide a legacy of faith in action.
Over the course of your life, you may have discovered a love for a particular cause or ministry. If your favourite cause is related to the United Church, a bequest to the Foundation is the best way to ensure that it is supported into the future.
We have resources to help make a bequest
Our Legacy Giving flyer is available for you and your lawyer or notary to review while drafting your will. Our helpful Will Workbook is also available to help guide you in your estate planning.

In 1972, W. Norman McLeod did something truly amazing: he created a trust that has been contributing to the post-graduate education of our ordained leaders for nearly 45 years. In the past decade, his scholarship has awarded more than $100,000 to United Church ministers who have furthered their studies in an effort to be more effective leaders in our congregations.
There are a great many advantages to you leaving a bequest
You have the satisfaction of knowing that your legacy gift will support transformational ministry.
Your gift helps to ensure our church will be here for future
A gift to your congregation can
enable opportunities for whatever the future may hold.
Giving a percentage of your estate keeps your gift in line with your assets as they change in value.
Your estate obtains a charitable tax receipt for the full amount received.
A bequest produces a tax credit of up to 100 percent of your estate’s taxable income on your final income tax return. This credit may be carried back to the previous year.
If you leave property such as stocks or real estate that has appreciated in value, your gift may be exempt from capital gains.
When the church is named the direct beneficiary, tax credits include the proceeds of RRSPs, RRIFs, TFSAs, and life insurance policies, including group policies.
Consider leaving RRSPS, RRIFs, TFSAs and life insurance policies directly to your beneficiaries instead of including them in your will as this
may be more tax efficient.
How do I include the Foundation in my will?
The Foundation understands that your will needs to ensure that your family is cared for after your passing. Speaking with your lawyer is an essential first step to altering your will to include a gift to the Foundation. You can also discuss your unique situation with us by calling the Foundation office at 1-866-340-8223.
Life insurance gifts
A gift of life insurance can be used to establish an endowment or other long-term fund or make a meaningful contribution to an existing Foundation fund. It’s a powerful way to tie your legacy to a cause or ministry that matters to you.
You can make a gift of life insurance to the Foundation in two ways:
1. Designate the Foundation as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy. The Foundation receives the proceeds of your policy upon your death. Your estate can claim a credit on the final tax return after your death.
2. Transfer ownership of your policy to the Foundation. The Foundation issues a tax receipt for the cash value of the policy, which is creditable on your current year’s return. Donation receipts will be issued for any additional payments on existing premiums as well. Always here to help, we encourage you to contact the Foundation before transferring ownership of your life insurance policy.
RRSP, RRIF, and TFSA gifts
It’s easy to donate the proceeds of your Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs) and Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs) or Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) to the United Church of Canada Foundation by designating the Foundation as a contingent beneficiary of your plan. This will ensure that the proceeds of your plan will only flow to the Foundation following the death of your primary beneficiary.
When you designate the Foundation as a direct beneficiary of your registered plans or TFSA, we will issue a tax receipt for the full amount being transferred to your estate. You can name multiple beneficiaries, including your family and other charities.
This deferred donation is not included in your estate and not subject to probate fees when they are directly designated.