Scholarship & Research Grants
Scholarship and Bursary Applications are closed
The 2025 Scholarship & Academic Award granting cycle is now closed. If you have any questions, please contact Jenna Yango Leonard at [email protected] for more information. We can’t wait to hear about your plans! Follow us on Social Media and sign up for our newsletter to get the latest granting and Foundation news!
*please note that Alvin Dixon Memorial Bursary applications are being accepted until the September 15, 2025 deadline.*
Supporting education, continued learning, and scholarship
The United Church of Canada Foundation offers various academic award opportunities for United Church of Canada ministers, ministry students, and lay people. Both ordained and diaconal ministers are welcome to apply for these opportunities.
The Foundation is able to offer these grants thanks to generous donors who believe that academic study and education is important to the growth of the United Church of Canada.
Application deadlines vary based on the award. Please find each award and scholarship’s description below for application details.
Have questions?
We are here to help empower your ministry. If you have questions about the application process, or whether your project is eligible for funding, please contact Erik Lo Forte, Grants Officer, at 1-866-340-8223, or fill the form out below.
Faculty and Research Awards
The Davidson Trust
Please note that the application deadline is on March 15.
Please note that this award is only awarded on even years. For example 2022, 2024, 2026.
The Davidson Award is made possible through the generosity of Roy Mitchell Davidson. Mr. Davidson was born in Los Angeles, California in 1923 and moved, with his parents and older sister, to Vancouver and then to Calgary, where he attended primary and secondary schools. He had graduated with a B.A. from the University of Alberta in 1944, and he obtained an M.A. in Economics at/the University of Toronto in 1947. Mr. Davidson was a resident of Ottawa, active in Dominion-Chalmers United Church and a career civil servant. He had lived in residence at St. Stephen’s College, Edmonton, early in his academic life and was keenly interested in the United Church’s commitment to sound theological study and teaching.
Roy M. Davidson set up a Trust in 1995 “to provide an award to a Professor of Theology at one or more of the theological schools, within Canada, associated with The United Church of Canada”. The purpose of the Davidson Award is to attract and/or retain outstanding people in the service of the theological colleges within Canada, associated with The United Church of Canada, by providing an annual award or prize for excellence in teaching and scholarship.
It is the aim of the Davidson Trust Committee to acknowledge and promote excellence of both scholarship and teaching in theological education in making this annual award.
This award is available to any faculty member teaching in a United Church-related theological school through application or nomination.
A minimum of $5,000 will be awarded.
Application/Nomination Guidelines
Either as an applicant or as a nominator of someone else, make a case outlining how this person fits the award’s purpose.
- Submit a succinct description of how the applicant or nominee combines scholarship and teaching in their life and as a theological faculty member, including the person’s understanding of being both a scholar and a teacher.
- a description of how the person’s work as scholar/teacher contributes to the mission of The United Church of Canada.
- two to three pieces of supporting documentation, such as articles or course outlines.
- a biographical sketch of the individual.
- In the case of nominations, indicate the name of the nominator and the relationship to the nominee. If the nomination is being made without the knowledge of the nominee, please indicate this as well..
- Three references/endorsements are required:
- one from the Principal, Dean, or a faculty colleague from the school of the nominee;
- one from a student or recent graduate;
- one from an individual from the wider church that is knowledgable on the work and impact of the applicant/nominee.
- Applications and all supporting documentation are due by 8:30 pm EST, March 15.
Recent Recipients
- Rev. Dr. Jeff Crittenden
- Lief Vaage.
- Dr. Johanna Selles.
- Ann Naylor and the Rev. Dr. Ted Dodd.
- Dr. Graham and Rev. Farquhar.
Please note that your standing with the United Church of Canada will be checked before an award is granted.
The McGeachy Senior Scholarship
Please note that the application deadline is on March 15.
Please note that this award is only awarded on even years. For example 2024, 2026, 2028.
The McGeachy Senior Scholarship is designed:
- To foster the development of those who will provide The United Church of Canada with discernment and direction that inspire and challenge the church towards creative and faithful mission.
- To enhance the work of a church leader at a creative moment in their life.
- To provide not only for the person’s growth, but also for an impact on the broader church.
- To provide income to allow a major portion of time to be used on a project of enduring value to the United Church.
The United Church of Canada invites applications or nominations for this important award and the award is open to anyone from any church or country, but the proposal must indicate how the project will address the concerns of The United Church of Canada.
The deadline for applications is March 15. Announcement of the recipient will be made in June.
Background and Purpose
The McGeachy Memorial Fund represents a substantial bequest from the estate of William A. and Margaret H. McGeachy, an agricultural family in southwestern Ontario. The McGeachys’ commitment to the Christian church and the role of the church in society is memorialized in the McGeachy Senior Scholarship, derived from the Fund. Scholarships are offered periodically as interest income permits.
The intent of the scholarship project is to develop leaders who will provide The United Church of Canada with discernment and direction that inspire and challenge the church towards creative and faithful mission.
The McGeachy senior scholar is expected to express the prophetic vision of the church and to interpret Christ’s call to justice and peace in our pluralistic world. They will combine reflection and research with practical action, and communicate the results of this work in a form accessible to the wider church.
The scholarship is intended to free a person to use a major block of time for concentrated effort on a project of enduring value to the Church. It is hoped that the award will enhance the life work of the McGeachy scholar at a creative moment in their development, and thus yield continuing benefit to the individual and to the community.
Although designed for Canadians, particularly members of The United Church of Canada, the scholarship is open to applications from women or men anywhere. The McGeachy Scholarship Committee will give serious and fair review to all proposals. Any applicant, however, should indicate how their project will address the concerns of The United Church of Canada and make a contribution to its life and mission.
This “senior” scholarship is for persons established in their life work. It is not available to candidates in degree programs or other forms of professional preparation. A parallel in the academic world is the “post-doctoral fellowship,” although the McGeachy scholarship does not have a doctoral prerequisite.
Since the scholarship primarily seeks to provide time for major research and reflection, it is not generally intended for those who have sabbatical or retirement income. However, a scholarship of less than the maximum amount, with reduced funding for time, may be awarded to an applicant with retirement or sabbatical income when the committee evaluates their proposal as having exceptional merit. In all proposals, costs of travel and research materials may be included, but these costs are seen as secondary to the provision of time.
It is important that applicants indicate a clear time line, and show how a significant block of time will be arranged and set aside. Full time participation in the project for one or two years is the norm, though other plans will be considered.
Conditions of the Scholarship
- The goal of the Scholarship is to serve the broader church as well as the individual doing the project. It is essential that any proposal indicate how the project will do this. The tangible product of the study does not need in every instance to be a written document but may be in some other format. Publication or development of this product of study is the financial responsibility of the McGeachy scholar.
- The McGeachy scholar is invited to prepare a 5,000- to 10,000-word paper for possible inclusion in the McGeachy Papers Series. Printing and distribution of the paper is done at the expense of the fund and at the discretion of the committee.
- McGeachy scholars are expected to provide the committee with one copy of any book or other product or publication resulting from the project.
- The scholarship will normally be granted in three segments, 40% at the start, 30% midway, and 30% upon completion of all agreed conditions (normally no more than one year after the agreed completion date of the project). The final 30% may be forfeited in cases where the project is not completed as agreed.
- A report is expected every six months for the duration of the project period. No further installments of the scholarship will be given without timely receipt of these reports.
- The format of the proposal is given in the McGeachy Scholarship Application Guidelines. Please follow these in preparing a proposal.
- Applications and documentation must be received no later than 8:30 PM EST, March 15. See the Guidelines for a list of necessary documentation. Announcement of the recipient is expected by June. The commencement of the scholarship period may be any time in the current year.
- In making an appointment the final decision will rest with the McGeachy Scholarship Committee.
Recent Recipients
- Rob Fennell
- Alexa Gilmour
- Sharon Ballantyne and Janet Gear
- Shelia Macgregor and Bill Millar Listen to Bill’s podcast
- Bruce Gregersen and Christine Jerrett
- Nancy E. Hardy and Bob Haverluck Watch Bob’s video.
- Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd Watch her video.
- Meg Jordan Watch her video.
- HyeRan Kim-Cragg Watch her video.
Please note that your standing with the United Church of Canada will be checked before an award is granted.
The Rowntree Scholarship
Please note that the application deadline is on April 15 and October 15.
The Marjorie F. Rowntree Fund, together with the Chester Rowntree Fund, offers an amount not to exceed $30,000 annually for research that explores, draws together, and reflects on fresh expressions of The United Church of Canada in our changing social context.
Applications will be based on existing and innovative expressions in ministry in either an operative or design stage. This ministry must contribute to an understanding of the church transformed for more effective and faithful ministry in the changing social context of Canada, including the focus on intercultural ministry. The grant will provide opportunities to an individual (or individuals)in a leadership and design role in this ministry to undertake focused writing time, travel, and consultation, leading to a written report.
The successful project will:
- focus on research that explores ministry models and innovations that provide imaginative resources for the United Church and United Church ministries to more richly engage God’s mission in the world.
- explore emerging practice as well as current writing in their area of focus.
- include contexts of new ministry development, ministry renewal/re-development, new forms of ministry partnership.
- make connections between the area of exploration and the United Church context and outline potential implications for United Church ministries, polity, and practice.
- potentially include hands-on experimentation (creation of new ministries or experimenting with new models in existing ministries).
Successful applicants must submit a written report of their findings.
The Rowntree Scholarship Fund will assist the United Church of Canada in benefiting from research that explores and draws out implications from the experiences of ministers and ministries that will help the church of the future effectively minister within the new and emerging Canadian reality. Grants will be made in support of individuals working in United Church–related institutions.

Post-Graduate Studies
Victor Blatherwick Memorial Bursary
Please note that the application deadline is March 15th.
Created through a bequest, the Victor Blatherwick Memorial Bursary Fund is a yearly scholarship that is available to a member of The United Church of Canada who is enrolled in full- or part-time studies leading to an academic doctorate suitable for teaching in a United Church theological college. Priority will be given to a student demonstrating both financial need and academic excellence, and preference will be given to visible minority or aboriginal students. The scholarship may be awarded for multiple years to support the studies of selected candidates.
Recent Recipients: Deivit Montealegre, Samuel V. Mpereh, Bethan Theunissen
Please note that your standing with the United Church of Canada will be checked before an award is granted.
W. Norman McLeod Scholarship
Please note that the application deadline is March 15th.
The W. Norman McLeod Trust Fund was established in 1972. The Fund represents accumulated donations of cash, securities and investments donated from time to time by Mr. William Norman McLeod, with the intent to constitute a trust fund for the promotion, advancement and encouragement of theological education. The scholarship made available out of the income from the trust fund is known as “The W. Norman McLeod Scholarship.”
The Scholarship is available to ordered ministers in the United Church of Canada for post-graduate study (M. Div. studies are ineligible for this scholarship). Applicants in a master’s or doctoral program may re-apply for two additional years. The Scholarship Committee reserves the right to approve the school of study.
The McLeod Scholarship Committee will use the following criteria in relation to each applicant:
- Intention to continue serving The United Church of Canada.
- Commitment to pastoral ministry.
- Academic standing.
- Financial needs and resources.
In making its decision the Committee will also consider current special needs of the Church, such as leadership in ethnic ministries, rural ministries or women in ministry.
Please note that your standing with the United Church of Canada will be checked before an award is granted.
McGeachy Scholarship for Th.D and Ph.D Studies
Please note that the application deadline is on March 15.
Please note that this award is only awarded on even years. For example 2024, 2026, 2028.
The McGeachy Memorial Fund represents a substantial bequest from the estate of William A. and Margaret H. McGeachy, an agricultural family in southwestern Ontario. The McGeachys’ commitment to the Christian church and the role of the church in society is memorialized in the McGeachy Senior Scholarship, derived from the Fund. Scholarships are offered periodically as interest income permits.
United Church persons with degrees in theology (Th.D and Ph.D) are crucially important ongoing resources for the educational ministries of the church, providing both research and informed vision on the life and work of the Church. Ensuring that there is a continued number of qualified and credentialed persons to be considered for positions in church-related educational institutions is a key component in both providing the United Church of Canada with discernment and direction that inspires and challenges the Church towards creative and faithful mission and an enduring value to the church as, over the course of pastoral or teaching ministries, they contribute to the education of members and candidates for ordered ministry seeking a greater understanding of the life and mission of the Christian church.
The intent of the scholarship is to develop leaders who through their Th.D and Ph.D will provide The United Church of Canada with discernment and direction that inspire and challenge the Church towards creative and faithful mission.
- Applicants must be a United Church of Canada person who is eligible for and admitted to a Th.D/Ph.D degree program in theological studies and at the proposal stage of their dissertation;
- Applicants must have the intention to serve in a United Church of Canada related ministry.
Awards can be up to $50,000 spread equally over two consecutive years. The second year funding is conditional upon the Foundation receiving a report on progress made.
Please note that your standing with the United Church of Canada will be checked before an award is granted.
Clifford Elliott Spirit of Saskatchewan Ministry Award
Please note that the application deadline is March 15.
This award is an initiative of The Clifford Elliott Spirit of Saskatchewan Ministry Trust Fund, established in 2006 in memory of Clifford Elliott, a native of Saskatchewan and an ordained United Church minister.
Clifford Elliott was born in Langham, Saskatchewan, and was always fiercely proud of his roots. The broad sweep of the prairie landscape informed his soul and inspired an open view of the world. Cliff’s rural heritage instructed him in the importance of hard work, persistence, flexibility, and hopefulness. These values, together with the spirit of cooperation and compassion so necessary for survival on the prairies, were the hallmarks of his ministry. Cliff believed that these Saskatchewan values have a universal application and will enliven the ministry of the church wherever they are embraced.
The Clifford Elliott Spirit of Saskatchewan Ministry Trust Fund will provide financial support to United Church of Canada ministry personnel or laypersons who have completed an M.Div. degree (or equivalent) and who qualify for and intend to pursue graduate theological studies for Th.D, Ph.D, or D.Min. degrees with a view to:
- strengthening the learning and renewal of the whole church,
- nurturing Christian faith and leadership development in the UCC and the ecumenical church, and
- fostering local communities of faith and mission.
The award is a scholarship of up to $5,000 and preference will be given to applicants whose studies will contribute to honouring and cultivating Canadian prairie values such as co-operation, economic justice, and respect for the land and for its peoples. Priority will be given to applicants that are pursuing a Th.D or Ph.D and applicants pursuing a D.Min are second priority.
Please note that your standing with the United Church of Canada will be checked before an award is granted
Rev. John A McDermid Memorial Bursary
Please note that the application deadline is March 15.
Created in 1971 by the congregation of St. Paul’s United Church (Brampton, ON), the Rev. John A. McDermid Memorial Bursary Fund is a yearly bursary that is available to members of The United Church of Canada who are enrolled in full- or part-time studies leading to an academic doctorate (Th.D and Ph.D ) suitable for teaching in a United Church theological college or to serve in a United Church related ministry. The bursary may be awarded for multiple years to support the studies of selected candidates.
Please note that your standing with the United Church of Canada will be checked before an award is granted
Women in Ministry (including Lay Leaders)
Anna Jentzsch-Bill Endowment Bursary
Please note that the application deadline is March 15.
This bursary was set up as a memorial trust fund in 1994 with an initial gift of $100. The fund was subsequently added to with generous bequest from the Estate of Anna Jentzsch-Bill. Its purpose is to support women in ministry.
- The applicant must be a woman and be active in lay, ordained, or diaconal ministry. Preference will normally be given to those in paid accountable ministry.
- The bursary will support
- theological studies,
- continuing education, or
- other professional development activity.
- The application must demonstrate how the studies, education, or professional development will enhance the applicant’s capacity to provide ministry.
Awards of up to $5,000 will be provided from this fund.
Christian Education
Gilmore Park United Church Bursary
Please note that the application deadline is March 15.
In 1956 Gilmore Park United Church (Richmond, BC) began as a group of young families (9 adults and 15 children) who came together to worship and raise their children in the Christian faith. In 2019 Gilmore Park United Church established the Gilmore Park United Church Bursary fund with the Foundation in order to support Christian education for adults, or youth, or children who are members of a United Church community of faith or related organization.
Grants from this Fund are available to individuals of any age, who may be lay persons or ordered ministry, who are members of a United Church community of faith or related organization to assist with the costs of a Christian education program. This bursary must be used to defray the costs of the education and may not be used for capital expenditures.
Awards of up to $2,000 will be provided from this fund.
Ethnic Ministries
The Elizabeth White Bursary
The late Mrs. Elizabeth White and her husband had a vision for Chinese ministry more than half a century ago. The purpose of the fund is to develop leadership win the United Church focusing on the Chinese community. Bursaries are available for full-time students to a maximum of $5000 and for part-time students to a maximum of $2000. The bursary is eligible to be renewed annually upon application.
Indigenous Ministries
The Alvin Dixon Memorial Bursary
Please note that the application deadline is on September 15.
The Alvin Dixon Memorial Bursary was established in memory and honour of Alvin’s life and his dedication to the United Church of Canada and to education.
Alvin Dixon was from Bella Bella, BC, also known as Waglisla. He was a Residential School Survivor, a father, a grandfather, a University of British Columbia graduate in English and education, and an activist who held numerous roles in the United Church and on committees in British Columbia. He was one of the founders of the Native Ministries Consortium and the native ministries program at the Vancouver School of Theology.
Throughout his life, Alvin quietly worked behind the scenes to improve the lives of First Nations people and to raise awareness among Canadians about the experiences of Indigenous children in residential schools, especially through working with the BC Indian Residential Schools Survivors Society.
This bursary will help support Indigenous students seeking to enter or continue post-secondary education or study at religious and spiritual centres. The Alvin Dixon Memorial Bursary is a annual award that is available to Indigenous students enrolled in full-time post-secondary studies. The priority is for students demonstrating both financial need and academic excellence. The bursary may be awarded for multiple years to support the studies of selected candidates.
The application and all supporting documents are due by September 15th each year. Applications that do not fit the following criteria will not be accepted. In addition, incomplete applications will not be accepted.
- You are Indigenous (First Nation–status/non-status, Inuit, or Métis);
- You are enrolled in an accredited Canadian and/or international post-secondary educational institution (university or college) and/or religious or spiritual centres in full-time studies;
- You are in financial need;
- You have demonstrated good academic performance with a minimum 2.50 grade point average.
A committee made up of six Indigenous volunteers from across the country will review applications using a blindfold process. A blindfold process removes all identification details from your application. A decision letter will be sent in late November or early December.
For more information please contact
Healing Programs Coordinator
416-231-7680 ext. 4057
1-800-268-3781 ext. 4057
[email protected]
The Endowment Fund for Indigenous Post-Secondary Education – Waase Aabin Indigenous Endowment Fund
Please note that the application deadline is on March 15.
The Endowment Fund for Indigenous Post-Secondary Education was established by donors from Peterborough, Ontario in March 2010 to help support Indigenous youth seeking to enter or continue post-secondary education. The Endowment Fund is a yearly scholarship that is available to Indigenous youth (18‒29 years old) enrolled in full-time post-secondary studies. Our priority is for students demonstrating both financial need and academic excellence. The scholarship may be awarded for multiple years to support the studies of selected candidates.
The application and all supporting documents are due by March 15th each year. Applications that do not fit the following criteria will not be accepted. In addition, incomplete applications will not be accepted.
- You are Indigenous (First Nation, Inuit, or Métis).
- You are a young person between the ages of 18 and 29.
- You are enrolled in an accredited Canadian and/or international post-secondary educational institution (university or college) in full-time studies.
- You are in financial need.
- You have demonstrated good academic performance with a minimum 2.50 grade point average.
A committee made up of six Indigenous volunteers from across the country will review applications using a blindfold process. A blindfold process removes all identification details from your application. A decision letter will be sent to you in late May or early June.
For more information please contact
Healing Programs Coordinator
416-231-7680 ext. 4057
1-800-268-3781 ext. 4057
[email protected]

United Church Health Services Society Scholarships and Awards
High School Scholarships
The High School Scholarships are designed to encourage graduates to undertake post-secondary education in health related fields and to help offset expenses that students may incur in pursuing their post secondary studies.
Annually up to four High School Scholarships will be to be awarded to two high school graduates who reside in Bella Bella and two high school graduates who reside in Bella Coola. In 2018, and as of the inception date of this scholarship fund, there are two high schools in Bella Coola thus one scholarship is allocated per high school.
Scholarships of $3,000 will be awarded from this fund.
- Must reside in either Bella Bella or Bella Coola;
- Be enrolled in Grade 12;
- Be accepted into an accredited a Post-Secondary Institution;
- Have high academic standing and outstanding leadership and citizenship qualities including volunteer contribution to community at school or through community organizations.
Scholarship Selection
Recipients of the High School Scholarship will be proposed as follows:
- Two award recommended by the Bella Bella Community School in Bella Bella;
- One award recommended by the Sir Alexander MacKenzie Secondary School in Bella Coola;
- One award recommended by Acwsalcta School administration in Bella Coola with input from the parent advisory or other school awards committees.
The students will be nominated for the Scholarship through the general process used for all ‘local scholarships’ and the school will advise the United Church Foundation of the recommended award winner.
Conditions of Scholarship
The High School Scholarships will be paid in two installments of $1,500.00 each. Students must show paid enrolment in second term of post-secondary education to receive the first installment and then show paid enrolment for continued studies beyond second term in a post- secondary educational program.
To claim the first instalment of the High School Scholarship the recipient must produce, within 16 months of the award of the scholarship, proof of registration and payment of tuition for second term in a full-time educational program at a recognized post secondary institution. The second instalment must be claimed within 6 months following the first instalment with proof of registration and payment of tuition in continued studies beyond second term in post secondary education. The whole application process for the High School Scholarship must be completed in 22 months. The recipient will present proof of enrolment to the United Church Foundation.
Should the High School Scholarship not be claimed by the recipient within the time allowed, it will be forfeited.
Career Improvement-Professional Development Scholarships
The Career Improvement-Professional Development Scholarships are intended for a student to pursue professional development and career improvement or to complete a unit of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE).
Annually the Foundation will award Career Improvement-Professional Development Scholarships to one student from Bella Bella, one student from Bella Coola and one student from Hazelton for a total of three scholarships.
Amount per Scholarship: $3,000
- Must be employed by the Health Authority at the hospital, in community health programs, or primary care clinic in one of Bella Bella, Bella Coola or Hazelton;
- Be enrolled in an accredited BC health care or clinical pastoral education program;
- Have employer approval to undertake these studies from the Health Authority through the local or regional manager.
The expectation is the mid-career student who receives the award would continue to work in rural health care. Examples of suitable programs include: Care Aide to LPN training, or LPN to RN, or lab assistant to lab technologist. CPE education may also be taken by a local clergy member attending patients at the care facilities. Recognized post baccalaureate certificate are such as CPE, certificate in rural nursing, degrees in midwifery or nurse practitioner that would be helpful in providing service in these three communities.
Scholarship Selection
The Health Authority site administration, or the regional manager of the Health Authority overseeing the health care facility in Bella Bella, Bella Coola and Hazelton will recommend a student for the award with the appropriate input used by the Health Authority in approving educational funding.
Conditions of Scholarship
The Career Improvement-Professional Development Scholarships will be paid in one instalment of $3,000.00. Students in health care delivery must show paid enrolment in second term in an approved, accredited post- secondary educational program to receive payment. Students taking Unit 1 CPE must provide proof of payment for the Unit.
To claim the scholarship, within 12 months of the award, the recipient must produce proof of registration and payment of tuition for the second term in a full-time educational program at a recognized post -secondary institute. CPE students must to provide proof of payment in a recognized CPE program. The recipient will present this proof along with the letter of approval and recommendation from the Health Authority to The United Church of Canada Foundation.
Should the Career Improvement-Professional Development Scholarship not be claimed by the recipient within the time allowed, it will be forfeited.
Student Grants
The Student Grants are to assist students by offsetting expenses which they incur in pursuing their post secondary studies in health related careers.
Annually, the Foundation will award up to six Student Grants. Two grants to two students from Bella Bella, two grants to two students from Bella Coola, and two grants to two students from Hazelton.
Grant amount: $3,000
To receive the Grant, a student must:
- Have graduated from high school and resided in either Bella Bella, Bella Coola or Hazelton;
- Be enrolled in their 3rd or 4th year of a post-secondary institution in health related studies and maintained a high academic performance;
- Demonstrate an intention to work in the health care industry in rural and remote communities.
Scholarship Selection
The Joint Grants Committee of the United Church of Canada and United Church of Canada Foundation will select the recipient of the Student Grant with input from its advisory committees as required. Students will apply for the Grants using the application through the general process used by the United Church of Canada Foundation.
If there are more than two applicants from a community, the highest marks will prevail in the allocation of the grant.
Conditions of Scholarship
The Foundation will grant one instalment of $3,000.00. Students must show paid enrolment in second term of either third or fourth year of their studies to receive the payment. (Term 1: September –December, Term 2: January –March, Term 3: summer semester).
To claim the first instalment of the grant the recipient must present to the Foundation, within 6 months of the award of the grant, proof of registration and payment of tuition for second term of the third or fourth year in a full-time educational program at a recognized post- secondary institution.
Should the Grant not be claimed by the recipient within the time allowed, it will be forfeited.
Northern Medical Award
The Northern Medical Award will be awarded to graduating student who has been enrolled full time in the at the Northern Medical Programme of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of British Columbia and who has demonstrated interest in advancing rural, aboriginal and spiritual health through educational program selection, research or volunteer activities.
The Northern Medical Award honours the contributions of former Medical Superintendents of the United Church and Directors of United Church Health Services, Dr. George E. Darby, Dr. Donald Watt and Dr. Peter J. Newbery to rural medicine, aboriginal health care and spiritual care in British Columbia, and at the national and international level.
Grant amount: $5,000
- Be enrolled full time in the at the Northern Medical Programme of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of British Columbia and in their graduation year;
- Must have demonstrated an interest in advancing rural, aboriginal and spiritual health through educational program selection, research or volunteer activities;
- be selected by the Northern Medical Program, Faculty of Medicine University of British Columbia .
Award Selection
The Northern Medical Program, Faculty of Medicine University of British Columbia will nominate the recipient of the award and will advise the United Church of Canada Foundation of the recommended award winner.
Conditions of Scholarship
The Foundation will grant one instalment of $5,000 representing the award.
In order to receive the award, the student must provide proof of the nomination to The United Church of Canada Foundation by forwarding a copy of the letter from the Faculty approving the Award.
Should the Northern Medical Award not be claimed by the recipient within a year, the award is forfeited.