Investments | United Church of Canada Foundation

Investing with the United Church of Canada Foundation

Investment ideology

Learn more about our approach to investment, and how we strive to be the best stewards we can be.

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Investment partners

Meet the Canadian firms that will help create sustainable investments for your organization.

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Begin investing now

Work with us to create long-term, sustainable portfolio that will support your organization for decades to come.

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Investing in the future of the United Church of Canada

When you contribute to the United Church of Canada Foundation, you are strengthening the future of the United Church. Our investment practices ensure that your gifts will have a long-lasting impact for years to come.

Responsible investment

Since our formation, the United Church of Canada Foundation has ensured that your gifts are invested in a way that is consistent with both the values of the United Church, as well as with our fiduciary responsibilities as trustees of the funds.

Meet your investment partners

The Foundation has partnered with several financial industry leaders to help ensure that your gifts can best serve the needs of the United Church and the ministries you care about. Our partnerships ensure that we can meet the legal and spiritual requirements of our investment strategies.

Begin your own journey

Is your congregation or other Church organization interested in investing their assets independently of the Foundation? Our staff is ready and able to help you begin this journey. We’ll help define your goals and objectives, suggest options, and start you on your way as you develop your financial plan.

Connect with the Foundation

Investing can be a daunting prospect, but it does not have to be. We are here to help you begin this journey as you work to develop a dependable, stable future for your organization. Use this form to send an email to our Foundation staff, or call the Foundation office at 1-866-340-8223.


    About us

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    [email protected]

    +381 123 456 677

    Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00

    Sunday closed

    United Church of Canada Foundation