Loaves and fish
Twenty years in the making...
The Miracle of Multiplication
What God can accomplish when faith is turned into action

Looking back...
More than 20 years ago, inspiration for creation of The United Church of Canada Foundation had its roots in the Old Testament.
Open your Bible to the Book of Jeremiah chapter 32, verses 1-15, and you will find the story of a remarkable investment, a visionary affirmation of faith in God‘s promise for the future.
In this story, Jeremiah‘s investment blessed his nation many times over. Similarly, the generous gifts that began the Foundation had an outsized impact here at home.
Having grown from the size of a mere mustard seed in 2002, the Foundation now manages more than $100 million in assets.
And the annual harvests are bountiful.
United, we have accomplished something truly great over the past 2 decades!
In 2023 alone...
More than $10 million was granted to create a better, more equitable future throughout our United Church
Hundreds of United Church congregations received over $4.5 million in gifts
Nearly $230,000 supported theological schools, United Church camps, and education centres
Over $1 million was granted in support of innovative United Church programs that benefit children, youth, and seniors

Looking forward...
Just as Jeremiah put his faith into action, many years later, a young boy did the same. That one boy’s offering was so significant, that it was recorded in all four Gospels. It’s the story of how a young boy shared his lunch – five loaves and two fish – so that as many as 5,000 people could eat.

Feeding the multitude of needs that are before us, we are reminded of our dependence on Jesus both as the Bread of Life and as Living Water. We are also reminded that when a little faith is put into action, it goes a long way and has a greater impact, thanks be to God.
It’s a story that inspires us as we envision the road ahead.
Over the past two decades, time and again, we have witnessed how small, simple acts of generosity by faithful people like you have grown into something much more substantial. They have made a significantly larger impact than anyone could have imagined thanks to God’s blessing and the miracle of multiplication.
The question is,
what do we believe God is calling us to do in the next 20 years?
United, we:
are focusing on the future, together!
In a world full of turmoil and chaos, it is imperative that we work towards a future that benefits everyone. The decisions we make today must benefit our children and neighbours of tomorrow.
Across Canada and beyond, we have joined with congregations, leaders, advocates, and generous donors like yourself to begin forging a new path for the long road ahead. It is one that follows our New Creed, “To live with respect in Creation, to love and serve others, to seek justice, and resist evil.”
As such, our priorities are:
- Climate Justice
- Communities of Faith
- Anti-Racism
- Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples
To live with respect in creation...
Together, we can seek climate justice.
Caring for Creation so that all may benefit equitably now and in the future has become central to our work.
As our world changes and climates continue to shift, the need to fight for climate justice has become undeniable. We must act now to show our love for God’s world. Join us!
United, we will secure a healthy Earth for our children and grandchildren’s grandchildren.
Click the button below to learn how we are prioritizing climate justice initiatives that you hold dear. As the examples that follow demonstrate, because of committed donors like you, we are already working towards this goal.
To love and serve others...
Together, we strengthen communities of faith.
Strong communities of faith are key to bringing God’s love to our world.
These communities are the backbone of our United Church, and are fundamental to our shared future. Together, let’s ensure they remain strong and vibrant.
United, we can ensure a strong future for communities of faith.
We would love to discuss how we can lift up the communities of faith that are close to your heart. Click the button below to learn about some of the ways we support communities of faith.
To seek justice...
Together, we will fight racism.
Jesus commissioned followers to “Love your neighbour as yourself.” – Mark 12:31
Answering this call, as disciples of Christ, let us love one another as wonderfully and unconditionally as God loves us. Your support will initiate conversations and benefit much-needed Anti-Racism initiatives.
United, we will make a difference.
Walk with us; let’s take each Spirit-led step together! Click the button below to see examples of how we have begun to walk with our supporters in faith and in love.
... and resist evil.
Together, we will seek reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples.
Residential Schools caused irreparable damage to Indigenous communities and culture, and the United Church has apologized for its role in operating the Schools.
Seeking reconciliation with Indigenous communities involves action, humility, and a dedication to addressing our actions as a church. Join us on this journey.
United, we can begin to address the wrongs in an effort to make things right.
Please see how we have been working towards reconciliation for years thanks to the support of our donors. If you have any questions about what the Foundation is doing – and can do – to seek reconciliation, please contact us.

Gift Giving
In an effort to foster deep spirituality, bold discipleship, and daring justice, we are called to attract and deploy financial resources in the years ahead to meet these four priorities, as well as any new needs that may arise.
Put your faith into action, see how it multiplies!
Make a gift
Making a gift to The United Church of Canada Foundation is an excellent way to support the work of The United Church of Canada. The Foundation directs your gifts to support the ministries you love now, and far into the future.
Invest and grow
When you contribute to The United Church of Canada Foundation, you are strengthening the future of The United Church and its ability to fulfill God’s calling set out in the New Creed.
United, we:
support the ministries that are meaningful to you.
We help generous people sustain the work of The United Church of Canada, its congregations, and its partners, in life and beyond.
To ensure a bigger impact, individuals, families, and United Church organizations turn to the Foundation to help create and manage endowments and other long-term funds that support the ministries closest to their hearts.
United, we:
will help your generosity grow like never before.
We empower individuals and congregations who are looking to invest in the future of the church make meaningful impacts for years to come.
The Foundation welcomes investments from congregations that value our investment expertise. Together, we will steward your funds long-term in an effort to maximize growth.
United, we:
create lasting change in your church, congregation, and community.
We support new initiatives, ministries, and programs that enrich the Church and enable us to live out the New Creed’s call “to live with respect in Creation, to love and serve others, to seek justice, and resist evil” through our extensive granting and awards program.
Thanks to the faithful forethought of our original Founders, the inspired generosity of United Church people, the Foundation’s strong leadership, and the boundless hope and dedication to our beloved Church, united, we are focusing on the future together!
Join us in making the next twenty years as incredible as the last.
Learn more about making a gift today, tomorrow, or far in the future.
While we strive to offer meaningful opportunities to give to the ministries closest to your heart, we also encourage giving to the Foundation’s priorities that address some of the major issues of our time.