
2022 Spring Granting Cycle Results

We are pleased to announce the recipients of the 2022 Spring Granting Cycle. 31 grants – totaling $222,208 – were awarded through the Seeds of Hope granting program to United Church of Canada congregations, organizations, leaders, ministries, and partners.

Additionally, the United Church of Canada Foundation is proud to award 31 grants for research, scholarship, and academic awards. The total of these 31 grants is $233,000. 6 grants from the New Ministries Fund – totaling $145,000 – were also awarded.

All told, more than $600,200 was awarded to 68 grant recipients.

Click here to download the 2022 Spring Granting Cycle Results (PDF)

These grants are only possible thanks to the incredible generosity of donors to the United Church of Canada Foundation, and those who make gifts and donations to their church through the Foundation. These donors can ensure that the ministries and causes most important to them are supported.

The majority of these grants are possible through the Foundation’s many endowment funds. Please feel free to explore our funds. Any donor can make a contribution to any fund, or even create their own personal endowment fund to support a specific cause that is close to their heart.

If you have questions about these awards, would like to apply for a grant, find out if your project is eligible for funding, or would like to learn more about the Foundation, please contact us at 1-866-340-8223 or by email at [email protected]


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+381 123 456 677

Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00

Sunday closed

United Church of Canada Foundation