Coffee With: Dave Jagger Webinar Replay
Thanks for joining us for our webinar, Coffee With: Dave Jagger—Stewardship, More than just a Fancy Word for Fundraising! If you missed the chat with Dave, here is the replay!
We were excited to kick off a new season of webinars by welcoming Dave, the United Church Community of Faith Stewardship Support Lead! After 26 years of nurturing faithful and generous disciples as a congregational minister in the United Church, Dave has been our colleague in the Philanthropy Unit for 8 years. He firmly believes in stewardship and generosity as hallmarks of following Jesus.
In this webinar, Dave shares with us his work and meaningful approach to congregational stewardship.
We are so grateful to Dave for sharing his time with us… should we do a part two?
Webinar Replay
Watch the replay of our webinar Coffee With: Dave Jagger!
What can you do Right Now?
Above all, stewardship is about first acknowledging that everything is God’s. God is the Creator. Then, it’s about responding out of thankfulness. In the webinar, Dave shares the top three things you can do RIGHT NOW to get started on your stewardship journey. Number one on the list?
Have an identified group of people to focus on stewardship.
Watch the webinar for more!
Dave’s team are positioned across the country to support you through your stewardship work. Remember, you can book time directly with the staff person serving your Region. Amazingly, one person on the call did just that- during the webinar! Visit united-church.ca/stewardship to find out more.
Don’t forget, Called to Be the Church: The Journey is the newest and most comprehensive approach to stewardship training, offering tailored and topical modules with coaching and ongoing support to help you grow faith and generosity. The methods are proven and the results are real! Click here to learn about the course offerings and get started.
Our “Coffee With” series is a new way of inviting you into the work of various figures across the United Church of Canada. Timely, relevant, and intimate, these half-hour webinar sessions are easy to fit into your lunch hour or coffee break! See you next time!