Coffee With: Tina Conlon Webinar Replay
Thanks for joining us for our webinar, Coffee With: Tina Conlon – a United Church of Canada Community Minister on the Power of Community-Driven Work! If you missed the chat with Tina, here is the replay!
Tina (Rev. Maria Christina Conlon) is the Community Minister at Davenport Perth Community Ministry (DPCM) in Toronto, ON. She is also the current President of Shining Waters Regional Council. Tina came to Canada from the Philippines in 1972 and serves both locally and internationally in community organizing, development and advocacy, recognizing the need for discerning the unseen.
DPCM refers to itself as a ministry of presence. Through supporting community development and organizing, offering pastoral care, and engaging in advocacy, DPCM works with the community to identify needs and work towards solutions. In this webinar, Tina updates us on the work of DPCM including several projects supported by Seeds of Hope grants.
Webinar Replay
Watch the replay of our webinar Coffee With: Tina Conlon
You can learn about DPCM’s Community Land Trust work here.
Join their campaign for guaranteed livable income.
Tina references Walter Brueggemann’s 2023 article, On Mapping, click here to read.
Our “Coffee With” series is a new way of inviting you into the work of various figures across the United Church of Canada. Timely, relevant, and intimate, these half-hour webinar sessions are easy to fit into your lunch hour or coffee break! See you next time!
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