
Fall 2021 Granting Results

We are pleased to announce the recipients of the 2021 Fall Granting Cycle. This Fall, the Foundation awarded 14 grants totaling $121,700 to United Church of Canada congregations, leaders, ministries, and partners.

The Watkins Fund for Innovative Ministries with Senior Adults awarded $20,000 this granting cycle, while the United Church of Canada Foundation General Fund awarded $66,600 this granting cycle.

The largest grant this fall was awarded to Hillhurst United Church in Calgary, AB, in support of their Expanding Music Beyond Sunday: Music and Artist in Residence program. $20,000 was awarded through the United Church of Canada Foundation General Fund, while an additional $5,000 was awarded from the Watkins Fund.

These grants are possible thanks to generous donors from across the country who have created and contributed to funds that support the work and future of the Church, and United Church organizations across the country with unique visions of how to love and serve their communities. We want to thank each and every one of our donors for allowing us the opportunity to bring their dreams for needed, effective ministry to life.

Click this link to download the complete 2021 Fall Granting Results announcement (PDF). This PDF has a description of all of the grants awarded, as well as a brief overview of the supported projects, ministries, initiatives, and congregations.

If you have questions about these awards, would like to apply for a grant, find out if your project is eligible for funding, or would like to learn more about the Foundation, please contact us at 1-866-340-8223 or by email at [email protected]


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Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00

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United Church of Canada Foundation