Guest Blog: Thanksgiving – What are we thankful for?
In this guest blog, the Foundation is pleased to lift up an important opportunity to share God’s bounty this Thanksgiving. United Church Annual Giving Lead Glenn Waterman invites us into the Mission and Service Thanksgiving appeal and shares what he’s thankful for this year.
Giving Thanks at (Canadian) Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is upon us. This weekend, specifically Monday, October 14th, is Thanksgiving for Canadians. On Sunday, United Churches across Canada will be celebrating this through services, prayers, sermons and in many cases, special offerings.
Many of us will be thankful for family, friends, a good home, ample food and the chance to worship together. Many will also add thanks for the generosity of United Church people, as they receive greatly needed support through Mission and Service.
What I’m Thankful For
I will be thankful for those churches, those Communities of Faith, who dedicate their Thanksgiving service to raising funds for Mission and Service. Those dedicated groups and individuals who affirm that supporting Mission and Service, our own charitable funding method, allows the United Church as a whole to do even more.
By supporting Mission and Service this Thanksgiving, members of the United Church are helping those who would otherwise go hungry. Supporting Mission and Service means food is more accessible in far northern communities; elders are able to buy groceries, and children are nourished by healthy food. Globally, it means supporting farmers working to grow food in the face of climate change.
Care for Those Who Need It Most
Mission and Service supports so many good works! This Thanksgiving, I want to thank those who remember this, those who remind others of this, and those who support this work.
If you are one of these people, thank you! You are caring for those who need it most.
If you want to be one of these people, I invite you to join us and donate at https://united-church.ca/thanksgiving. Your donation supports initiatives which ensure everyone has a seat at the table this Thanksgiving.
Have a happy and joyful Thanksgiving!
— Glenn Waterman, Annual Giving Lead, The United Church of Canada