Seniors Ministry Webinar Replay
Thanks for joining us for our webinar, Works in Action: Strengthening Senior Communities! If you missed this engaging session, here is the replay!
Explore impactful initiatives that support senior communities within United Church communities and beyond. Our panel of past grant recipients shared insights about their projects, learnings, and experiences working with the Foundation. We were excited to welcome these community leaders to hear how they are strengthening senior communities through innovative programs, with the support of the Foundation.
Our panel:
– Rev. Cheryl Black, St Paul’s United Church (Sidney, BC)
– George Parsons, Jimmy Pratt Memorial Outreach Centre Inc (St. John’s, NL)
– Kari Krogh and Kim Dunlop, Kingston Road United Church (Toronto, ON)
Webinar Replay
Watch the replay of our webinar Works in Action: Strengthening Senior Communities!
What You Can Do NOW
Cheryl Black says when she arrived at St. Paul’s, the congregation was “stuck”. She advises that starting small and scaling up is key, as is a thorough accounting of your blessings. “We started to look at what were the small steps we could take that would help to encourage people, and what were the skills and the assets that we had. [Our] people are fabulous bakers. So we put in a grant for our Cozy Corner Kitchen project.”
This initiative hosts and caters community events, providing a ministry of hospitality and welcome, engaging seniors in meaningful volunteer work. While the appliance and kitchen upgrades were what their Seeds of Hope grant covered, Cheryl tells us the impact is so much more. “The big thing was the congregation didn’t feel so alone. They could see that there was help that could move them ahead again.”.
Watch the webinar for more!