The Massey Centre is making a difference for young mothers
Child poverty is a serious issue across Canada, and studies show that children raised in poverty are likely to continue to live in poverty as adults. With the start of school, September is the perfect month to highlight two Foundation funds supporting innovative ministry projects for children and youth in at-risk situations.
The Wesley C. Smith Fund and the Watkins Fund for Innovative Programs and Projects in Addressing Poverty and Children at Risk support United Church initiatives seeking to break the cycle of poverty and help children realize their exciting, amazing futures. Established in 2010 from the estates of Reginald W. Watkins and Wesley C. Smith, the Funds regularly grant to help people to grow in faith, insight, and self-esteem.
As Seeds of Hope grants, both the Wesley C. Smith Fund and the Watkins Fund potentially award funds as part of our Spring and Fall Granting Cycles. In Spring 2021, the Massey Centre for Women received money from both funds to support their Housing Stabilization and Financial Literacy project.
Thanks to these funds, the Massey Centre is able to develop a workshop series targeted towards adolescent mothers aged 16-24. The program aimed to teach participants financial literacy skills, how to access community resources, tenant/landlord rights and responsibilities, among other topics. The workshops are available online and in-person (when safe to do so).
The goal of the Massey Centre’s program is to assist these young mothers break the cycle of poverty that overwhelmingly affects them. By teaching financial literacy skills, the Massey Centre is arming its program participants with the tools they need to avoid crippling financial situations and find safe, stable housing arrangements.
The Massey Centre is just one of many recipients of the 2021 Seeds of Hope Spring Granting Cycle. Currently, the Foundation is accepting applications for our Fall Granting Cycle. Applications close on October 15, 2021, at midnight. If you have an idea for a program or initiative – or have plans in place but are having trouble bringing it to fruition – please consider applying for a Seeds of Hope grant.
You can begin your application by visiting the Seeds of Hope page on our website.