
Supporting Education, Continued Learning, and Scholarship

Scholarships and Academic Awards

We’ve Been Thinking About You!

The Scholarship and Academic Awards Committee met recently to review the applications submitted this Spring. During their meeting, they reflected on the long list of United Church scholars supported over the years. So many amazing leaders are making our church, communities and the world richer thanks to the educational opportunities they have been able to pursue.

The Future of Theological Leadership

Thanks to the generosity of United Church people who value the pursuit of education, the Foundation can support and nurture gifted students following God’s Call to ministry, teaching, and research. You can help make these opportunities possible for future students!

Please consider making a gift today that will help the Foundation’s capacity to support these talented scholars! Your gift will ensure that we can grant the maximum funding available, providing even more meaningful financial support to those who need it. Visit to donate.


About us

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[email protected]

+381 123 456 677

Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00

Sunday closed

United Church of Canada Foundation