3 New United Church of Canada Foundation Grant Opportunities
The United Church of Canada Foundation is thrilled to announce 3 exciting new grant programs that will commence this Fall!
Read on to learn more about what will be available.
United, We
Implementing trust-based philanthropy principles three years ago has helped the Foundation expand our granting program, deepen our relationships with partners, and live into our commitments to our named priorities. Now the success of the initial pilot has led the Board to approve a huge boost to the program! We’re excited to introduce “United, we“, our new dedicated trust-based granting stream.
In each of the next two years (2024 and 2025), up to $100,000 will be available through United, we to support impactful existing work at United Church organizations and partners who otherwise would not qualify for funding through current granting programs. Groups will not be required to undertake new or innovative work to be eligible, nor tie the funds to any specific project.
Learn more about United, we and apply now!
Centennial Granting Fund
As the United Church of Canada approaches its Centennial, many communities of faith will be eager to plan activities in celebration. We recognize the need to support these groups and proudly present the Centennial Granting Fund! This program emphasizes the importance of uniting to commemorate this historic achievement together. It will provide funding for events designed to mark the milestone moment. The creation of the Centennial Granting Fund represents a tangible expression of solidarity, support, and celebration.
All United Church ministries, communities of faith/congregations and other organizations undertaking special events to commemorate the Centennial are eligible to apply for grants of up to $5,000.
Learn more about the Centennial Granting Fund and apply now!
Promotion Project Fund
Owing to the generosity and creativity of a Foundation donor, this granting program will provide up to $10,000 to support United Church of Canada congregations in their marketing efforts as they seek to attract members, promote their vital ministries, and retain a strong community presence.
For the Fall 2024 round, grants from the Promotion Project Fund will only be available to congregations.
Learn more about the Promotion Project Fund and apply now!
Don’t miss out!
The Foundation’s Fall granting round (including these new programs, plus Seeds of Hope, and more!) opens July 15.
As always, we’d love to answer your questions about any of our grant opportunities! Email us to set up a quick consultation with our team.