
Foundation webinar

Upcoming Webinar – How to: Amplify Your Generosity through the United Church of Canada Foundation

Mark your calendars on Thursday, November 14, at 12:00PM for webinar How to: Amplify Your Generosity through the United Church of Canada Foundation!

It’s coming up on ‘that’ time of the year. Finding the perfect gift for your loved ones. Giving to support causes you care about; your community of faith, Mission and Service, local charities. Considering how to maximize your impact before the end of the tax year. 

Your generosity can be a joyful, faith-filled act of sharing your resources, no matter what form it takes. Through a discussion of donation options and global giving trends, this webinar will show you how the United Church of Canada Foundation can help you be more prepared to engage in the spiritual practice of giving this year!

  • Explore our newest resource and more! Ministries of all sizes can develop new revenue streams to support operations and special projects. Check out our new Endowment Guidebook and get tips for encouraging generosity in your community of faith.
  • Learn about the many ways to give. The Foundation offers several options for supporting the United Church ministries and other causes you love now and into the future. Learn about gifts of securities, endowment funds and legacy giving opportunities. 
  • Hear the newest trends in giving. See what they mean for givers and organizations and gain a new understanding of giving and amplifying the impact of your generosity!

Register for webinar How to: Amplify Your Generosity through the United Church of Canada Foundation below!

Reminder: When you register for the webinar, you’ll also receive access to the recording. We’ll email the recording to all registrants as soon as it’s available.

Suggested Reading

Interested in more of the Foundation’s “How to” Webinars? Click here for webinar How to Apply for Grants with the Foundation!

Need help filling out you Seeds of Hope application? Click here this webinar for a step-by-step guide!


About us

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[email protected]

+381 123 456 677

Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00

Sunday closed

United Church of Canada Foundation