Coffee With: Franklyn James Webinar Replay
Thanks for joining us for our webinar, Coffee With: Franklyn James – Celebrating Black History! If you missed the conversation with Franklyn, here is the replay! Rev. Frankl
Coffee With: Tina Conlon Webinar Replay
Thanks for joining us for our webinar, Coffee With: Tina Conlon – a United Church of Canada Community Minister on the Power of Community-Driven Work! If you missed the chat
2024 Wrapped Webinar Replay
Thanks for joining us for our webinar, Coffee With: Jim Simpson & Sarah Charters – The Foundation’s 2024 Wrapped: Reflect and Reset for the Year Ahead! If you missed t
Coffee With: Dave Jagger Webinar Replay
Thanks for joining us for our webinar, Coffee With: Dave Jagger—Stewardship, More than just a Fancy Word for Fundraising! If you missed the chat with Dave, here is the replay! W
Coffee With: Wing Yi Wong Webinar Replay
What an amazing 30 minutes with our guest Wing Yi Wong at our webinar, Coffee With: Wing Yi Wong! If you missed the chat, here is the replay for you! It was a blessing to welc
Anti-Racism Webinar Replay: Building on Our History
Anti-Racism Webinar We kicked off our new “Coffee With” web series on March 21 with the webinar ‘Coffee With: Adele Halliday‘. Watch the replay of our speci